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19 AUG 2023 -
21 AUG 2023
The Official Annual Summer Meeting in Sandefjord Norway
The special atmosphere of the meeting was created by the warm and welcoming hospitality of our Friend and Associate Bjorn Erik Vinje and his wife Victoria in their home. The many amenities were gratefully accepted by the participating Associates and were quickly transferred to the lively discussion of the special topics.

As a special highlight, the first copies of the joint publication MANAGING...'An Excursion to Key Success Factors' were handed out (Cover, Backside, Content) and further requirements and steps discussed.
In the meantime, copies of the first edition have been delivered to interested parties and have met a positive response. This motivates the Associates to strive for a second, extended edition of now nine authors; a further goal of the Association to provide up-to-date contributions on the topic of leadership behaviour in addition to the comprehensive coaching activities.

Other topics were:

1. Nomination of further associates from Romania and Croatia who can effectively support the activities of the community (further information will follow).
2. Organisation of the next Official Annual Summer Meeting (info to follow).

In the meantime, an online conference was held at the beginning of January this year which fleshed out further measures.

HAS JAN/2024
19 AUG 2022 -
21 AUG 2022
The Official Annual Summer Meeting in Belgrade
A motivating, excellently organized meeting thanks to the warm-hearted and caring nature of our host, Nikola MIRCIC. (Photo 1, Photo 2) Aware of the Association's 20th Anniversary, memories were recreated; the numerous highlights with a sense of gratitude and solemnity.

With his convincing speech, PRESIDENT INTERNATIONAL, Matthias Schaack, deepened the milestones of the past and outlined the outlook for the future.
A promising long-term project in the form of a publication for customers and training participants has been defined, whose content will be outlined in the next online conference.

As a new member we warmly welcome SAMY DAENZER, Montreal, son of our esteemed member RUDY DAENZER. (Details to follow). The next OFFICIAL ANNUAL SUMMER MEETING is scheduled for August 2023 in Sandefjord, Norway.

HAS 9/2022
1 FEB 2022
Since the end of October, contacts for professional and private exchange have been intensively maintained through video meetings.

The Official Annual AIM. T Summer Meeting 2022 is scheduled for the end of August in Belgrade. The Associates will have the opportunity to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Association and to expand their professional knowledge at the subsequent ACADEMY.

We are all looking forward to getting to know the home country of Serbia of our esteemed friend, associate and host NIKOLA MIRCIC.

HAS 2/2022
1 JAN 2021
Since the outbreak of the COVID-Pandemia the Association switched to regular Online-Conferences encompassing Operational Matters as well as Educational Topics.

The Mission Statement was altered in the meantime with regard to the expansion of the Management Functions. MATTHIAS SCHAACK was elected PRESIDENT INTERNATIONAL for a life time in view of his outstanding achievements. Congratulations!

The Associates are determined to maintaining the high degree of communications.

HAS 1/2021
31 AUG 2019
The Official Annual Summer Meeting Wiesbaden
The harmonious and motivating Meeting chaired by the President International, Matthias Schaack, covered the following topics: (Extract)

1. Business and Practise Report of each Associate

 2. New activities and projects, initiated by the Senior President International

A Meeting of a taskforce is scheduled for the 4th November 2019 in Nuremberg.

3. Inauguration of our new Member Nikola Mircic, Belgrade, who undoubtedly will contribute to the further success of the Organization through his excellent Business and Training Capabilities (Photo). Details internally only. (Data Security.)

4. Official Winter and Summer Meeting 2020. Dates and Places will be announced in due course taking into account the restructuring process of the internationally active entities, which began in January 2019 with specific Strategic Working Groups instead of an Official Winter Meeting.

H.A.S 10/2019
6 JAN 2018
11 AUG 2018
The Official Annual Winter Meeting in Zurich/Switzerland
The Official Annual Summer Meeting in Stockholm/Sweden
At the Winter Meeting Matthias Schaack was unanimously re-elected President International for the next two years honouring his great achievements and dedication.

Stockholm received the participating Associates with the outstanding hospitality of our Associate and host Tommy Lindqvist showing the second time his remarkable talents at arranging both a stimulating and entertaining programme in one of the most charming and beautiful cities in the world.

The professional highlight of the meeting was undoubtedly the presentation of Mr. Niklas Siljeblad, President and CEO of 'HERTZ FIRST rent a Car' covering 'The Automative Revolution - Perspectives towards 2030'.

Additional topics at the Conferences were:

1. Personal Private and Business Report of each Associate
2. Follow-up to last Protocol/Action Items
3. Financial Report of the Treasurer International/Senior President International Winfried Nettersheim
4. New Candidates (Announcements in due course)
5. Dates/Place of the Annual Winter Meeting 2019 (Decisions to be taken asap)
6. Future Expectations and Commitments

H.A.S. 09/2018
7 JAN 2017
5 AUG 2017
The Official Annual AIM.T Winter Meeting in Freising/Munich
The Official Annual AIM.T Summer Meeting in Basel/Switzerland
The Winter Meeting covered several organisational points and in depth discussion on the positioning of the Association’s social, cultural and economical environment as a preview to the scheduled Summer Meeting in Basel.

This Meeting took place on the 5th to 7th August 2017 professionally organized by our Adrian Jacklowsky, Singapore/Basel, in this really uniquely cosmopolitan and beautiful Swiss City. In addition the overwhelming hospitality of our host made it one of our grand Meetings.

- The Winter Meeting was fixed on the 6th January 2018 in Zürich/Switzerland.

Not at least has to be mentioned that our guest speaker, Michael Weller, Founder and Managing Director of 'Connect2win consulting' delivered two very impressive presentations on 'Strategic Customer Business Development' and 'Cycling for Trauma Surgery in Africa' a project which is well known in Switzerland (SFR TV) and highly succesful. Inspirational leadership plus a great team build the first clinic in Ethopia for traumatology, requiring extension by further donations.

This Photo is showing from left to right Winfried Nettersheim (D), Adrian Jacklowsky (SGP), Matthias Schaack (D), Charles Condie (E), Rudy Daenzer (CDN), Jörg Ferrenberg (D), Tommy Lindqvist (S), Michael Weller (CH), Hans A. Schirmer (D).

H.A.S. 08/2017
The Official Annual AIM.T Summer Meeting at Hamburg
Congratulation and many thanks to our Host Wolf-Dieter Schoepflin. His excellent organizational skills have made this meeting a most enjoyable and memorable event (Photo 1).

The conference covered the following main topics:

1. Presentation by Matthias Schaack, International President, of the finalized Mission Statement which covers voting, financial contributions and the duration of the presidency.

2. Personal and private business reports presented by each associate highlighting the individual achievements of participants.

3. The Official Annual Winter Meeting will be held in Munich on the 7th of January, 2017.

4. The date of the Official Annual Summer Meeting for 2017 has been set for early August in Basel, Switzerland.

5. New member: The Association is proud to confirm the membership of Adrian Jacklowsky, from Singapore. Adrian is the owner and founder of a training company for the Singaporean and ASEAN theatre.

Adrian, aged 54, was inaugurated at the Hamburg meeting (Photo 2) and is of Swiss Nationality. In addition to his Masters Degree from the University of Zurich, Adrian brings with him a wide range of cultural experiences stemming from his work in Asia, India, China, Japan, Australia and the US. He is fluent in English, German, Indonesian/Malay, French and has a working knowledge of Italian, Spanish and Japanese. Adrian’s training focuses on management, leadership, communication and self-leadership. For more information look under “Organisation” (password available on request).

H.A.S. 11/2016

The Official Annual AIM.T Winter Meeting in Zurich
The Decisions scheduled were taken. For technical reasons the Summary will follow after the Official Annual AIM.T Summer Meeting 2016 in Hamburg, 5th to 7th of August.

H.A.S. 6/2016

7-08-2015 to 9-08-2015
The Official AIM.T Annual Summer Meeting in Sandefjord/Norway
'Undoubtedly, one of the most harmonius, inspiring, well organized, unforgettable Summer Meetings'.

Bjřrn Erik Vinje, our warmhearted host received many compliments from all the participating Associates (Photo). Sandefjord, place of Birth of our Associate Jan Erik Vinje †, is beautifully situated at its own Fjord. It presented itself with warmth and sunshine all days long. The Associates took the opportunity to commemorate Jan Erik at his family grave.

The Main Topics of the Conference
1 Business and Private Report of all Associates

2 Proposals to the Alteration of the Mission Statement with regards to Voting/Membershps and Financial Contributions
The specific points will be formulated and submitted by the Secretary General prior to the Annual Winter Meeting in Zurich/Switzerland on January, the 3rd., 2016.

3 Our Financial Treasurer International, Wolf-Dieter Schoepflin, received warm thanks for his excellent job in opening a new Official AIM.T Account in Hamburg.

One of the many Highlights of the Meeting has been a Lecture/Workshop by Jan Tore Andersen, Founder and CEO of Senseway Consulting/Oslo.
J.T.Andersen, having a broad experience from both national and international operations, focussed on an exciting topic 'Why Management should be called Peoplement'. A Journey from one extreme to another, and back.

H.A.S. 8/2015

09-08 to 10-08-2014,
The Official Annual AIM.T Summer Meeting in Kraków/Poland
The Official Annual AIM.T Winter Meeting in Zürich/Switzerland
- Both the Meetings mainly dealt with the Change of Generations within the Association. New guidelines for Individual Social Commitments and Charity Projects are being formulated presently.

- Wolf-Dieter Schöpflin, Hamburg was unanimously elected Treasurer International succeeding Dieter Jakob, Hannover who received warm thanks for his excellent duties for a period of almost eight years.

- The Official Annual AIM.T Summer Meeting 2015 will take place in Sandefjord/Norway as from August, 7th to 9th, 2015.

H.A.S. 2/2015

20-08 to 22-08-2013,
The Official Annual AIM.T Summer Meeting in Neuchatel/Switzerland
The Official Annual AIM.T Winter Meeting in Munich/Germany
The Association is proud to officially announce the Membership of
- Uwe Hoerner, Apensen, Germany
- Grzegorz Janeczek, Kraków, Poland
- Marc Junele Hoyos, Monterrey/Mexico
after their Inauguration.
Matthias Schaack and Grzegorz Janeczek/Neuchatel Summer 2013
Matthias Schaack and Uwe Hoerner/Munich Winter 2014
Matthias Schaack and Marc Junele/Munich Winter 2014

The following decisions were also taken
- Matthias Schaack was re-elected President International for the next two years honouring his commitments and dedication for the Association.

- Jörg Ferrenberg was appointed Secretary General succeeding Hans A. Schirmer who supports the Association as Associate Consultant.

- The Official Annual AIM.T Summer Meeting will take place in Kraków/Poland as from August, 9th to 10th, 2014.

- The Charity Project ('Our Child in Bolivia') will be continued until further consideration. New projects are to be evaluated in Kraków.

H.A.S. 2/2014

The Official Annual Winter Meeting in Zurich
After the Greeting by the President of the Association, Matthias Schaack, the Assembly covered the following topics:

1 Follow-up to the Personal Commitments of the Associates at the Official Summer Meeting in Nuremberg

2 Communication Platforms of the Association and their optimal use

3 The Official Annual Summer Meeting in Neuchâtel, Switzerland on August, 20th to 22nd, 2013

4 New Memberships
We are proud and pleased to welcoming new Members to our Association
- Grzegorz Janeczek, Kraków, Poland
- Marc Junele, Mexico
The Highlights of their CV will be disclosed after their Inauguration.

5 Financial Report of the Treasurer International
With many thanks to Dieter Jakob the Report was acknowledged by the Assembly.

6 Charity Projects
Both the projects (Our child Marianne in Bolivia and Myan Mar) will be continued.

7 'My Life in Pictures'
Each Associate had the opportunity to present Highlights of his Life in Pictures to provide his Colleagues with more detailled information on himself. The Presentations delivered where received with warm thanks and joy. (To be continued.)

H.A.S. 6/2013

10-08 to 12-08-2012
The Annual Summer Meeting/Celebration of the 10th Anniversary in Nuremberg
Nuremberg, this beautiful and lively city, with her unique mixture of restored middle-aged architecture, historical highlights of arts & crafts and modern life, received the Associates with pleasant weather conditions underlining the splendid atmosphere of the Meeting. Remarkably, even our Friends and Associates from Mexico and Canada joined the Meeting and contributed with their presence and spirit, together with our Friends from the European Countries, to an outstanding, unforgettable event.
AIM.T members in front of Townhall

The Meeting began with the official reception by the Lord Major Deputy, Mr. Horst Förther, at the Nuremberg Town Hall. With humour and profound knowledge did he draw an impressing picture of Nuremberg's development, history and role as a modern European City.
Lord Major Deputy, Mr. Horst Förther

At the Official Conference of the Meeting, at which all Associates made their personal commitments on how they will contribute to the further prosperity and attractivity of the Association, Professor Dr. Jörg B. Kuenapfel, Ludwigshafen delivered a both stimulating and exciting lecture on 'Is Luck Manageable?'
Professor Dr. Jörg B. Kuenapfel

Although difficult to measure, luck can be managed by using and considering different parameters and triggers such as:
- Consciousness towards life: 'Is what I am doing important for myself?'
- Passion: 'Do I allocate all my energy, physically, mentally and emotionally to what I am doing?'
- Ability to enjoy what I am doing and experience: 'Can I cope with the situation in a joyful way?'
- Ability to love: 'Do I enjoy closeness?'

In view of his achievements, Winfried Nettersheim, who had been re-elected President of the Association on many occasions, now as Senior President International, was handed a photo documentation on selected Annual Conferences and Meetings.
Winfried Nettersheim and Matthias Schaack

H.A.S. 10/2012

The Official Annual Winter Meeting in Zurich
Based on the items pre-discussed at the Summer Meeting the following decisions were taken:

1 Election of a new President for the next two years
Based on the statutes of the Association, Matthias Schaack was unanimously elected for President International for the forthcoming two years. He accepted the votum with thanks and pride. In his following speech he looked back into the past of the Association, which he is a Founding Member of, and outlined the responsibilities in view of the 10th Anniversary of the Association. (Photo1, Photo2). His predecessor, Winfried Nettersheim, who had been re-elected several times, was appointed Senior President International. He received warm congratulations on his achievements.

2 Organization
- Tasks-Forces, of which the Memberships will be held flexible, shall support the President with regard to the preparation and execution of defined projects.
- The first strategic session of a Task Force is planned for May, 3rd, 2012.

3 Fields of Activities
- Contacts to (selected) External VIP's shall be enhanced.
- The topic 'Shaping AIM.T's Future' is being dealt with continiously. Input shall be exchanged by means of SKYPE and E-Mails.

4 Memberships
The Association is looking for 'High-Calibre' Members instead of following a course of pure expansion.

H.A.S. 1/2012

27-08-2011 to 29-08-2011
The Official Annual Summer Meeting in Budapest
Everybody were overwhelmed by the outstanding beauty of the Hungerian Metropol and the warmhearted hospitality of their Hungarian Friend and Associate, Sándor László. (Photo1).

At the Official Conference the Associates focussed on the following topics:

- 'Shaping AIM.T's Future' in view of the Decennial in 2012
- Preparation of the forthcoming Annual Winter Meeting.

H.A.S. 8/2011

The Official Annual Winter Meeting in Zurich/Switzerland
The Meeting started in commemoration of Jan Erik Vinje. Especially Sándor László, Budapest and Bjřrn Erik Vinje, Oslo received a warm welcome by the President and the group.

Sándor László, (Photo1) who was already inaugurated at the Official Summer Meeting in Düsseldorf, has a University Degree in Economics and a broad work experience in Sales, Human Resources Management, Foreign Trade and Intercultural Relationship Management, especially with Eastern European Countries, Conflict Management, Senior Management Coaching and Team-Development. He lives and works as Owner and Managing Director of a highly successful Training Institute in Budapest and is fluent in German, Polish, Russian and speaks English on a conversatio-nal level. His outstanding abilities will undoubtedly contribute to the scope of the Association.

Bjřrn Erik Vinje, (Photo2) was inaugurated at the Meeting. He moved everybody deeply when he reported on the final contact with his dying father whose clear cut message to him has been 'SAY YES to REALITY'. Bjřrn studied Marketing in Sandefjord, Norway and has been Member of the Board of JCI (Junior Chamber International) an International Organization for Management and Entrepreneurship since 1997. Bjřrn Erik lives and works near and in Oslo, respectively and became a Management and Sales Trainer in 2006. Since April 2010 he has been in charge as Managing Director of GUSTAV KAESER A/B, Scandinavia. The Association are proud of drawing on his abilities as a Member of the younger generation.

Further topics covered:

1. Financial Report of the Treasurer
Dieter Jakob again received highest esteem for his excellent duties. His Financial Statements were approved by the Associates. He also reported favouriably on Marianne, the Association's Child in Bolivia. The financial contributions to her Education shall be continued.

2. Memberships
The options for new Members have now been extended. Nevertheless, the main criteria of the Mission Statement remain valid.

3. Communication among the Associates
The Flow of Communication will be enhanced by regular SKYPE Conferences. ( The first one was already held at the beginning of March, 2011, with great success.)

4. Projects
a) Due to Joerg Ferrenberg's excellent performance the Technical University of Munich, one of Germany's Elite Universities, has firmly established his Training Course on Negotiations Skills for their students.
b) An international project on DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT has been initiated offering a comprehensive concept to the Training Community.

5. Meetings
The Official Annual Summer Meeting will be held in Budapest from the 26th till the 28th August, 2011. At the Official Summer Meeting in 2012 the Association will be celebrating their 10th Anniversary. Plans are already under discussions on a continuous level.

H.A.S. 3/2011

The Official Summer Meeting in Duesseldorf
The whole meeting understandably was accompanied by Jan Erik's death; he was always with us. Nevertheless, we had quite some fun which undoubtedly Jan Erik would have wanted us to have.
The president gave a particular warm welcome to Sandor from Budapest who attended an AIM.T meeting for the first time. He also conveyed the Secretary General's best wishes who was not able to come.

The official meeting took place ''along the way'' meaning that we talked whenever there was an opportunity covering all relevant topics. Unforgettable, the walk through Neandertal - a Duesseldorf suburb - when Tommy Lindqvist and me reported on Jan Erik's funeral. The talks about the memories of Jan Erik were highly emotional amongst this community of friends and showed that we really lost a marvellous and true friend whom we miss a lot.


AIM.T is proud to announce that Sandor Laszlo, Budapest and Jan Erik's son Bjoern, Oslo will be joining the Association. Further information to follow after the Official Annual Winter Meeting in Zurich on the 6th of January, 2011.


The Official Annual Winter Meeting in Zurich/Switzerland
In his opening speech the President expressed his warm feelings as all the Associates were able to attend the Meeting; the first time after a period of 2 years (Photo). 'In-depth-statements' and constructive discussions underlined the Friendship and unique positive atmosphere among the Associates.

The topics covered:

Election of the President International
Winfried Nettersheim was unanimously re-elected for the next two years acknowledging his remarkable ability to integrate and represent the AIM.T.

Alteration/Extension of the Mission Statement/New Memberships
The proposals of the Secretary General were unanimiously accepted. (Details on request).

Financial Report of the Treasurer International/ Beneficence
In 2009 the financial support was extended by the Organisation and is being re-considered presently. Dieter Jakob was given the approval of the Assembly to his report with appreciation.

- AIM.T Trainer Certification: Requirements are made available in German, English, Spanish. (Details on request).
- Measuring Training Results/Self-Evaluation of Training Participants (See 'Download').

The Annual Summer Meeting 2010
The Meeting is scheduled for August, 27th to 29th, in Duesseldorf.

H.A.S. 02/2010

The Official Annual Summer Meeting 2009, Madrid
The always impressing Spanish capital received the Associates 'warmly' with temperatures between 35-40 deg.C at the end of August. Due to Charles Condie's excellent organization and outstanding hospitality the Meeting has been the highlight for all participating Associates.

At the Official Conference the President International of the Association greeted and inaugurated Wolf-Dieter Schoepflin as Associate with great joy and esteem of all Associates (Photo). Also, Matthias Schaack's dedication as a Founding Member of the Association was honoured by the Associates and the President (Photo).

The main topics covered at the Conference were:

- Alteration of the Mission Statement regarding Memberships.
- Press Release on the AIM.T concept for Trainer Certification in selected countries. Being currently introduced in Germany and Spain.
- 'Measuring Training Results': A download shall be made available in English by the Annual Winter Meeting 2010 providing a scheme for self-evaluation of Training Participants.
- The next Official Annual Winter Meeting will be held on the 3rd of January, 2010 in Zurich. The Place for the Official Annual Summer Meeting 2010 is Duesseldorf.

H.A.S. 11/2009

Official Annual Winter Meeting in Zurich/Switzerland
The President and the Deputy Secretary General announced that all projects made or had made progress according to plan:

1. Certification
The first Audit took place at the Beginning of February, 2009. The first Applicant, Herr Maximilian Meisinger, Munich had to undergo this Audit in front of three Auditors by delivering a three-hours presentation of his Training Module 'Conflict Management'. With impressing competence he passed the Audit by achieving Level B, which stands for 'Advanced Performance'. The Certificate handed by the President of the Association has been registered under MM101/D/2009 and is valid for a period of three years. Interested parties may get in contact with the Secretary General of the Association for further information via the Organisation page.

2. New Member
The Association proudly confirms the Membership of Wolf-Dieter Schoepflin, Hamburg/Germany based. Wolf-Dieter has a University Degree in Electronics and has been active as Management and Sales Trainer with remarkable success for more than 23 years now. His profound experiences were mainly gained in the field of extensive Senior Management Coaching, Strategic Business Planning, Project Management, Marketing-, Sales Strategies and Public Relations comprising Press and TV Conferences at high level for renowned Enterprises and Managers, including the Coach of a Soccer Team of the German Premier League.
Wolf-Dieter's competence and expertise will be positively influencing the scope and activities of the Association.

3. 'AIM.T goes University'
In Cooperation with the Technical University of Munich Joerg Ferrenberg carried out two Workshops on 'Effective Communication' for students with remarkable success. One worksheet and a specific Memory Card were printed for this special event. These Hand-outs are available on request for interested parties via the Organisation page.
Likewise, Charles D. Condie accompanied the MBA-Alumni of the IESE Business School in Madrid on behalf of the organisation with his high level expertise in 'Communication in Management' by delivering two complete sessions with outstanding resonance.

4. Official Annual Summer Meeting 2009
This Meeting will be held in Madrid on the 28/30 of August, 2009.

5. Press Release on the Activities of the Association
This project is being dealt with at present and will be officially initiated in the first half of 2009.

HAS 2/2009

Official Annual Summer Meeting in Oslo, Norway
Enjoying the overwhelming hospitality of their host Jan Erik Vinje, Executive Vice President, the Associates had gathered together (Photo). The topics covered at the Meeting comprised:
- Realization of the Certification Project, Phase I
- Press Release on the AIM.T-Activities in selected countries
- 'AIM.T goes University'
- Introduction of an Regular Internal Report to enhance the flow of communication between the Associates.

HAS 2/2009

Annual Winter Meeting Of The Associates At Zurich
Following the Annual Summer Meeting in Munich, which took place in August 2007 (Photo1), where the 5th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Association was celebrated, the Associates now discussed and decided on further projects and strategies at the Annual Winter Meeting on the 6th January, 2008 in Zurich (Photo2).

1. New Memberships and Organisational Changes
With great joy two new members of the Association were inaugurated (Photo3) following the Association's strategy of a step-by-step expansion. The Association is very proud of having Charles D. Condie, Madrid based and Rudy Daenzer, Montreal based join the Association.

Charles D. Condie, of British Nationality, studied International Marketing at Thames Polytech, London and has a broad work experience in Teaching, International Business Planning and Coordination (Pharmaceuticals) and Sales. He is fluent in English, Spanish, French and speaks Portuguese on a conversational level. Charles lives and works as Management and Sales Trainer in Madrid, Spain. The Association will benefit from his remarkable international experience and scope.

Winfried Nettersheim was unanimously re-elected PRESIDENT INTERNATIONAL the second time for another period of two years in view of his outstanding achievements for the Association.

Joerg Ferrenberg was elected Deputy Secretary General in order to broaden the 'Operating Capacity' for the Association with his remarkable engagement and abilities.

2. Projects
The Association's Bolivian child Marianne has become 7 years now, being in a good state of health. The Association, represented by its Associate Manfred Junele, Monterrey, Mexico, is in constant contact with Marianne's mother by exchanging letters. The Associates unanimously decided on the continuation of the financial contribution.

3. Meetings
The 2008 Annual Summer Meeting shall take place in Oslo, Norway in September where current projects such as Certification, Publications, Functions of the Associates will be followed up.

HAS, 6-Mar-2008

Annual Winter Meeting Of The Associates At Zurich
The Associates ( Photo1, Photo2, Photo3 ) covered the following topics:

1. The AIM.T certified Management and Sales Trainer
It is planned to start a pilot project dealing with the Certification of Management and Sales Trainers. The project will be based on specifically defined parameters including a demonstration of the respective applicant in front of an international jury. Interested parties should get in touch with the Secretary General of the Association via email.

2. New Memberships
The Association is proud to announce that Rudy Daenzer of Montreal will be joining us as Executive Vice President as from February, the 1st. Rudy is a citizen of both Switzerland and Canada. Moreover, he holds a degree in electronics (FEAM), as well as a Master Degree in Sales Management and Trade. These were acquired in Bern, Switzerland. Rudy's considerable experience in the Field of Sales and Management Training goes back to 1987 (further information may be obtained under 'Organization').

The Association is also pleased to welcome Michael Sachsse, from Adelaide, Australia as an Associate Consultant supporting specific AIM.T projects. Prior to establishing his own international training consultancy Michael was managing director of a number of vocational training institutes. The past ten years have seen him managing capacity building and management training projects mainly for the United Nations in New Zealand, Ethiopia, Afghanistan and the Solomon Islands. Michael's qualifications consist of a B.A, M. Ed (UK) and Advanced Dip. T. The Association will benefit from Michael's outstanding International Multicultural Experience (further information may be obtained under 'Organization').

3. Further Publications
The Association has edited two new scripts in German 'Überzeugend präsentieren' ('Presenting convincingly').

4. Other Projects
Joerg Ferrenberg, Munich has concluded an investigation into Participants in the German Training Market Place. The project is greatly appreciated by the Associates. Further projects will cover 'Train-the-Trainer-Concepts', 'Multicultural Relationship Management' and new trends in 'Value Based Selling'. In order to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas between the Associates during the Annual Meetings a new way of Internet Communication is being considered at present.

5. Meetings
The next Annual Summer Meeting will be held at Munich from 10th to 12th August, 2007. The German Associates are keen to welcome their colleagues to the 'Weltstadt mit Herz' (Munich loves YOU!)

HAS, 11-Jan-2007

Annual Summer Meeting Of The Associates At Stockholm
The Stockholm Meeting again underlined how active and dedicated the associates are.

Our host Tommy Lindqvist, Stockholm received many thanks for his warmhearted welcome and a perfect organization.

The Major Items discussed by the Associates:
- Rights and duties of the Associates
- New Memberships as AIM.T follows a clear course of expansion
- Criteria for the evaluation of trainer performance
- Meetings in 2007 (Bern/Zurich and Munich)
- New projects
An abstract of the official protocol is available on request.

A first Script in german of a series of publications by AIM.T, titled 'Visualisierung von Endzuständen' (Visualizing Final States) has been issued at the Stockholm Meeting. Interested parties should get in touch via email.

Annual Winter Meeting Of The Associates At Zurich
The Meeting took place in an atmosphere of both friendship and dedication.

Winfried Nettersheim has been re-elected President for the next two years. This stands as a clear acknowledgement of his achievements for the Association.

The Associates were impressed with the accurate and comprehensive financial report by Uwe Hoerner, International Treasurer.

Joerg Ferrenberg, Munich, has become a new Associate. The Associates are proud to have him join AIM.T because of his abilities and reputation as a Sales and Management Trainer.

The Associates have agreed on the continuation of the financial support of 'Their child' Marianne in Bolivia, who is making good progress at school.

All the Associates are dedicated to further deal with the assigned projects. One focus will be on 'Mentoring/Shadowing' for female Hi-Potentials in order to support women in using their capabilities in business to a greater extent.

The next Meeting shall take place in Stockholm, Sweden on Sept. 2nd, 2006.

Forthcoming Annual Winter Meeting Of The Associates And Founding Members
The Annual Meeting will take place on the 6th of January, 2006 in Zurich/Switzerland. The Associates from 6 different countries will be meeting to deal with the following topics of the Agenda:

1. Election of the President International according to the Mission Statement of the Association for the next     two years
2. New Trends in the Training Market
3. Report of the Associates on results achieved of different projects and allocation of new tasks

Site launch!